About Yes Nigeria

The Youth Entrepreneurship Summit and Expo Nigeria 2016 was created to place focus on the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, which are cardinal to our national aspiration towards self-sufficiency and overcoming the challenges of job creation in the agro-allied, wholesale/retail, construction and technology sectors of our economy. MSMEs are critical innovation drivers, wealth and job creators, with the potential to grow into multinational corporations in the future.

Nigerian youths are also some of the most enterprising in the world, making up the 9th largest workforce in the world, and also have some of the largest networks in the diaspora, which can be used to leapfrog change and development on the continent. Youth Entrepreneurship Summit and Expo Nigeria 2016 will pragmatically address the government’s role in the development and support of entrepreneurs, business support services, and human capital development for small businesses.

We will also partner with public regulators and the organized private sector to ensure that MSMEs in the country are bankable and viable enough to access federal government-floated MSME funds, as well as private startup capital. We would be further entrenching MSMEs as a central part of national policy and ensuring that youthful entrepreneurs who are national economic assets are empowered by this initiative. It will not only lead & inspire Nigeria’s youth to be change leaders but also unleash positive socioeconomic development. Nigeria is filled with myriad opportunities; however, many don’t get a chance to showcase their ideas or secure primary funding due to the lack of access and incubation preparation.

YES aims to discover innovators from all over the country, and provide a platform for them to access critical mentoring and finance to grow their ideas into sustainable businesses with export potential and scalability. Together with the summit being a stepping-stone to achieving the MDG goals and Vision 2021, it will also help raise awareness against the hurdles that local entrepreneurs have to face to grow. The summit will promote leadership and will encourage many youth entrepreneurs to take the next step toward realizing their dreams.